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Art can serve as a source of inspiration, providing new perspectives on the world and driving change. When approached creatively and artistically, how might tyre recycling and recycled tyre materials reveal new perspectives?

Tyres are a material that comes with many different perceptions. For a long time, they have been viewed as waste that needs to be properly managed. At the same time, our world is suffering from extreme over-extraction of virgin resources, and materials that could provide new benefits are often relegated to applications where their valuable properties are not fully utilised.

We need to shift our perspective from seeing tyres as a problem to recognising them as a solution, from a burden to an asset, from something dull to something attractive, and create conditions that allow us to extract the value that still exists in the material. This benefits both the environment and the economy, and it is an inspiring, evolving, and rewarding endeavour.

People inevitably absorb new perspectives, which sometimes lead to action and sometimes do not. Combining art and tyres is unexpected, but it is often in the meeting of such contrasts that new insights emerge. Art of Recycling offers a platform to explore just that.

Art of Recycling is a creative concept initiated by Swedish Tyre Recycling, where artists, creators, and designers are invited to interpret tyre recycling and recycled tyre materials. This can include everything from art and illustration to furniture, sculpture, jewellery, and more. Art of Recycling welcomes everyone within the creative sphere to participate.

Welcome to Art of Recycling!

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Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the Art of Recycling collection.

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